#!/bin/sh LIVELABEL="LIVE" #edit in init script too CMDERROR=1 PARTITIONERROR=2 FORMATERROR=3 BOOTERROR=4 INSUFFICIENTSPACE=5 function add_packages() { packagesdirectory=$1 rootdirectory=$2 packageslistfile=$3 if ! echo $packageslistfile | grep -q "^/"; then packageslistfile="`pwd`/$packageslistfile" fi for package in `cat "$packageslistfile" | sed 's/ *#.*//' | sed /=/d`; do installpkg -root $rootdirectory $packagesdirectory/$package*.t?z || return $CMDERROR done IFS=$'\n'; pushd $rootdirectory >/dev/null for action in `cat "$packageslistfile" | sed 's/^#.*//' | sed -n '/postinstall/p' | cut -f2- -d=`; do eval $action done popd >/dev/null return 0 } function init_live() { rootdirectory=$1 livedirectory=$2 moduleslist=$3 initscriptbasepath=$(dirname $(dirname $0)) mkdir -p $livedirectory/boot touch $livedirectory/boot/liveboot mkdir -p $livedirectory/boot/modules #don't remove previously created modules mkdir -p $livedirectory/boot/optional cp -f $rootdirectory/boot/vmlinuz $livedirectory/boot/ #create InitRD kv=`ls -l $rootdirectory/boot/vmlinuz | cut -f2 -d'>' | sed s/^[^0-9]*//` if [ ! -h $rootdirectory/boot/vmlinuz ] || [ ! -d $rootdirectory/lib/modules/$kv ]; then kv=`basename $rootdirectory/lib/modules/*` fi mount --bind /proc $rootdirectory/proc chroot $rootdirectory mkinitrd -c -o /tmp/initrd.gz -s /tmp/initrd-tree -k $kv -m $moduleslist >/dev/null 2>&1 cd $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree find . -name "*.ko" cd - >/dev/null umount $rootdirectory/proc rm -f $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd.gz rm -f $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/{initrd-name,keymap,luksdev,resumedev,rootfs,rootdev,wait-for-root} cp $initscriptbasepath/share/slackware-live/{init,keymaps} $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/ chmod +x $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/init cp $initscriptbasepath/sbin/build-slackware-live.sh $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/ for prg in unionfs mkfs.ext3; do cp `which $prg` $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/bin/ #UnionFS ldd `which $prg` | sed 's/[^\/]*\(\/[^ ]*\) .*/\1/' | sed 's/[^\/]*\(\/[^ ]*\) .*/\1/' | sed -n /^\\//p | sort -u | while read lib; do if [ -d $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/lib64 ] then cp $lib $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/lib64/ else cp $lib $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/lib/ fi done done find $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree/lib/modules/ -name "*.ko" | xargs strip --strip-unneeded cwd=`pwd` cd $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree rm -f $livedirectory/boot/initrd.gz if [ ! -d $livedirectory ] then find . | cpio -o -H newc 2>/dev/null | gzip -9c > $cwd/$livedirectory/boot/initrd.gz else find . | cpio -o -H newc 2>/dev/null | gzip -9c > $livedirectory/boot/initrd.gz fi cd - >/dev/null rm -rf $rootdirectory/tmp/initrd-tree #BIOS/syslinux mkdir -p $livedirectory/boot/syslinux cp /usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32 $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/ cp /usr/share/syslinux/vesamenu.c32 $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/ if [ ! -f $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg ]; then cat > $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg << EOF INCLUDE /boot/menus/mainmenu.cfg EOF fi #Copy menus,splash image if [ -d menus ]; then cp -r menus $livedirectory/boot/ cp salix.png relinfo.msg $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/ fi # if [ -d install_on_usb ]; then # cp install_on_usb/install_on_usb.sh $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/ # fi #UEFI/elilo if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ]; then mkdir -p $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT cp $initscriptbasepath/../boot/elilo-x86_64.efi $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi cp $livedirectory/boot/initrd.gz $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/ cp $livedirectory/boot/vmlinuz $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/ if [ ! -f $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/elilo.conf ]; then if [ -d ../common/elilo ]; then cp ../common/elilo/* $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/ fi fi # if [ ! -f $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/elilo.conf ]; then # cat > $livedirectory/EFI/BOOT/elilo.conf << EOF #prompt #timeout=10 #default=salix #image=vmlinuz # label=salix # initrd=initrd.gz # append="max_loop=255 runlevel=4" #EOF # fi dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/efi.img bs=1k count=16384 mkdosfs -n "EFIBOOT" /tmp/efi.img mount -o loop /tmp/efi.img /mnt/floppy cp -dpR $livedirectory/EFI /mnt/floppy/ umount /mnt/floppy mv /tmp/efi.img $livedirectory/ fi } function sys_prep() { rwdirectory=$1 shift for rodirectory in $*; do rodirectories="$rodirectories:$rodirectory=ro"; done mkdir /mnt/union mount -t aufs -o br=$rwdirectory=rw$rodirectories none /mnt/union 2>/dev/null || unionfs -o allow_other,suid,dev,use_ino,cow,max_files=524288 $rwdirectory=rw$rodirectories /mnt/union if [ -x /mnt/union/bin/sh ]; then #not done by stock Slackware startup scripts, but by PkgTool during install: cat > /mnt/union/sysprep.sh << EOF #!/bin/sh if [ -x /usr/bin/update-desktop-database ] && [ -d /usr/share/applications ]; then update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications/ fi if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontdir ] && [ -d /usr/share/fonts ]; then mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/* rm -f /fonts.dir fi if [ -x /usr/bin/mkfontscale ] && [ -d /usr/share/fonts ]; then mkfontscale /usr/share/fonts/* rm -f /fonts.scale fi EOF #done by stock Slackware startup scripts, but disabled on live startup (for speed improvement) cat >> /mnt/union/sysprep.sh << EOF depmod \`basename /lib/modules/*\` ldconfig if [ -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ]; then fc-cache -f fi if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ] && [ -d /usr/share/icons ]; then for theme in /usr/share/icons/*; do gtk-update-icon-cache -t -f \$theme; done rm -f /usr/share/icons/icon-theme.cache fi if [ -x /usr/bin/update-mime-database ] && [ -d /usr/share/mime ]; then update-mime-database /usr/share/mime fi if [ -x /usr/bin/update-gtk-immodules ]; then update-gtk-immodules #--verbose fi if [ -x /usr/bin/update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders ]; then update-gdk-pixbuf-loaders #--verbose fi if [ -x /usr/bin/update-pango-querymodules ]; then update-pango-querymodules #--verbose fi EOF chmod +x /mnt/union/sysprep.sh chroot /mnt/union /sysprep.sh rm -f /mnt/union/sysprep.sh fi umount /mnt/union rmdir /mnt/union rm -rf $rwdirectory/.wh..wh.* #for AUFS #merge passwd, group and ld.so.conf mkdir -p $rwdirectory/etc if (( `find $rwdirectory $* -name passwd | grep etc/passwd | wc -l` > 1 )); then find $rwdirectory $* -name passwd | grep etc/passwd | xargs cat | sort -u >> $rwdirectory/etc/passwd.new mv -f $rwdirectory/etc/passwd.new $rwdirectory/etc/passwd passwdfile="$rwdirectory/etc/passwd" else passwdfile=`find $rwdirectory $* -name passwd | grep etc/passwd` fi if (( `find $rwdirectory $* -name group | grep etc/group | wc -l` > 1 )); then find $rwdirectory $* -name group | grep etc/group | xargs cat | sort -u >> $rwdirectory/etc/group.new mv -f $rwdirectory/etc/group.new $rwdirectory/etc/group groupfile="$rwdirectory/etc/group" else groupfile=`find $rwdirectory $* -name group | grep etc/group` fi if (( `find $rwdirectory $* -name ld.so.conf | wc -l` > 1 )); then find $rwdirectory $* -name ld.so.conf | xargs cat | sort -u >> $rwdirectory/etc/ld.so.conf.new mv -f $rwdirectory/etc/ld.so.conf.new $rwdirectory/etc/ld.so.conf fi #install profiles mkdir -p $rwdirectory/home gid=`cat $groupfile | grep "^users:" | cut -f3 -d:` find $rwdirectory $* -name skel | grep etc/skel | while read skel; do cp -dpR $skel/{*,.??*} $rwdirectory/root 2>/dev/null for user in `cat $passwdfile | grep ":$gid:" | cut -f3,6 -d:`; do uid=`echo $user | cut -f1 -d:` homedir=`echo $user | cut -f2 -d:` if echo $homedir | grep -q "/home"; then mkdir -p $rwdirectory/$homedir cp -dpR $skel/{*,.??*} $rwdirectory/$homedir/ 2>/dev/null chown -R $uid:$gid $rwdirectory/$homedir fi done done } function add_module() { rootdirectory=$1 livedirectory=$2 modulename=$3 if [ "$4" == "-xz" ] || [ "$4" == "-gzip" ]; then if [ "$4" == "-gzip" ] then compoption="-comp gzip" else compoption="-comp xz -b 1M" fi else compoption="" option=$4 fi if [ "$option" == "-optional" ] then modulepath=$livedirectory/boot/optional/$modulename else modulepath=$livedirectory/boot/modules/$modulename fi mkdir -p `dirname $modulepath` rm -f $modulepath mksquashfs $rootdirectory $modulepath $compoption -e tmp dev proc sys $livedirectory } function create_iso() { livedirectory=$1 imagefilename=$2 cp /usr/share/syslinux/isolinux.bin $livedirectory/boot/syslinux/ if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ]; then altboot="-eltorito-alt-boot -no-emul-boot -eltorito-platform efi -eltorito-boot efi.img" fi mkisofs -J -d -N -l -r -V "$LIVELABEL" -hide-rr-moved -o $imagefilename \ -b boot/syslinux/isolinux.bin -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -no-emul-boot \ -c boot/syslinux/boot.catalog -hide boot.catalog -hide-joliet boot.catalog $altboot \ $livedirectory } function install_usb() { livedirectory=$1 installmedia=$2 device=`echo $installmedia | cut -c6-8` sectorscount=`cat /sys/block/$device/size` sectorsize=`cat /sys/block/$device/queue/hw_sector_size` let mediasize=$sectorscount*$sectorsize/1048576 #in MB installdevice="/dev/$device" livesystemsize=`du -s -m $livedirectory | sed 's/\t.*//'` if [ "$installdevice" == "$installmedia" ]; then #install on whole disk: partition and format media if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ]; then #EFI/GPT partitionnumber=1 installmedia="$installdevice$partitionnumber" dd if=/dev/zero of=$installdevice bs=512 count=34 >/dev/null 2>&1 #echo -e "2\nn\n\n\n+32M\nef00\nn\n\n\n\n0700\nr\nh\n1 2\nn\n\ny\n\nn\n\nn\nwq\ny\n" | gdisk $installdevice || return $PARTITIONERROR echo -e "2\nn\n\n\n\n0700\nr\nh\n1 2\nn\n\ny\n\nn\n\nn\nwq\ny\n" | gdisk $installdevice || return $PARTITIONERROR #hybrid MBR with BIOS boot partition (1007K) EFI partition (32M) and live partition #echo -e "2\nn\n\n\n+32M\nef00\nn\n\n\n\n0700\nn\n128\n\n\nef02\nr\nh\n1 2\nn\n\ny\n\nn\nn\nwq\ny\n" | gdisk $installdevice || return $PARTITIONERROR partprobe $installdevice >/dev/null 2>&1; sleep 3 mkfs.fat -n "efi" $installdevice"1" || return $FORMATERROR #mkfs.ext3 -L "$LIVELABEL" $installmedia || return $FORMATERROR fat32option="-F 32" mkfs.vfat $fat32option -n "$LIVELABEL" $installmedia || return $FORMATERROR else #BIOS/MBR partitionnumber=4 installmedia="$installdevice$partitionnumber" if (( $mediasize < 2048 )) then heads=128; sectors=32 else heads=255; sectors=63 fi mkdiskimage $installdevice 1 $heads $sectors || return $PARTITIONERROR dd if=/dev/zero of=$installdevice bs=1 seek=446 count=64 >/dev/null 2>&1 #echo -e ',0\n,0\n,0\n,,83,*' | sfdisk $installdevice || return $PARTITIONERROR echo -e ',0\n,0\n,0\n,,b,*' | sfdisk $installdevice || return $PARTITIONERROR partprobe $installdevice; sleep 3 #mkfs.ext3 -L "$LIVELABEL" $installmedia || return $FORMATERROR fat32option="-F 32" mkfs.vfat $fat32option -n "$LIVELABEL" $installmedia || return $FORMATERROR fi sleep 3 else #install on partition: filesystem check and format if needed partitionnumber=`echo $installmedia | cut -c9-` mkdir -p /mnt/tmp if mount $installmedia /mnt/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then sleep 1 umount /mnt/tmp fsck -fy $installmedia >/dev/null 2>&1 else #format partition if fdisk -l $installdevice 2>/dev/null | grep -q GPT; then partitiontype=`gdisk -l $installdevice | grep "^ *$partitionnumber " | sed 's/ */:/g' | cut -f7 -d:` else partitiontype=`fdisk -l $installdevice 2>/dev/null | grep "^$installmedia " | sed -e 's/\*//' -e 's/ */:/g' | cut -f5 -d:` fi case $partitiontype in 83|8300) mkfs.ext3 -L "$LIVELABEL" $installmedia || return $FORMATERROR ;; *) partition=`echo $installmedia | cut -c6-` size=`cat /proc/partitions | grep " $partition$" | sed 's/ */:/g' | cut -f4 -d:` let size=$size/1024 if (( $size > 1024 )); then fat32option="-F 32" fi mkfs.fat $fat32option -n "$LIVELABEL" $installmedia || return $FORMATERROR esac sleep 3 fi fi #live system files copy # if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ]; then #EFI/GPT # efipartition="$installdevice"`gdisk -l $installdevice 2>/dev/null | grep " EF00 " | sed 's/ */:/g' | cut -f2 -d:` # if [ ! -z "$efipartition" ] && [ "$efipartition" != "$installmedia" ]; then # mkdir -p /mnt/tmp # if mount $efipartition /mnt/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1; then # sleep 1 # umount /mnt/tmp # else # mkfs.fat -n "efi" $efipartition || return $FORMATERROR # fi # mkdir -p /mnt/efi # mount $efipartition /mnt/efi # cp -r $livedirectory/EFI /mnt/efi/ # umount /mnt/efi # rmdir /mnt/efi # fi # fi mkdir -p /mnt/install mount $installmedia /mnt/install cp -r $livedirectory/boot /mnt/install/ if [ `uname -m` == "x86_64" ]; then #EFI/GPT cp -r $livedirectory/EFI /mnt/install/ cp $livedirectory/efi.img /mnt/install/ fi if fdisk -l $installdevice 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^$installmedia "; then #legacy / CSM (Compatibility Support Module) boot, if $installmedia present in MBR (or hybrid MBR) sfdisk --force $installdevice -A $partitionnumber 2>/dev/null if mount | grep -q "^$installmedia .* vfat "; then #FAT32 umount /mnt/install syslinux -d /boot/syslinux $installmedia || return $BOOTERROR else #Ext3 extlinux -i /mnt/install/boot/syslinux || return $BOOTERROR umount /mnt/install fi cat /usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin > $installdevice else umount /mnt/install fi rmdir /mnt/install return 0 } function install_system() { rootdirectory=$1 systempart=$2 loadersetup=$3 username=$4 userpassword=$5 installation_mode=$6 SYSINSTALLFS="ext4" mkfs.$SYSINSTALLFS $systempart || return $FORMATERROR mkdir -p /mnt/install mount $systempart /mnt/install #Copy begin echo "Installing system" # core, basic or full mode if [ "$installation_mode" = "core" ]; then echo "core installation" modules=(01-core.slm 04-common.slm 05-kernel.slm 06-live.slm) for directory in ${modules[@]}; do cp -dpr $rootdirectory/$directory/* /mnt/install/ done fi if [ "$installation_mode" = "basic" ]; then echo "basic installation" modules=(01-core.slm 02-basic.slm 04-common.slm 05-kernel.slm 06-live.slm) for directory in ${modules[@]}; do cp -dpr $rootdirectory/$directory/* /mnt/install/ done fi if [ "$installation_mode" = "full" ]; then echo "full installation" modules=(01-core.slm 02-basic.slm 03-full.slm 04-common.slm 05-kernel.slm 06-live.slm) for directory in ${modules[@]}; do cp -dpr $rootdirectory/$directory/* /mnt/install/ done #for directory in $rootdirectory/*; do #cp -dpr $directory /mnt/install/ #done fi mkdir -p /mnt/install/{dev,proc,sys,tmp} cp -dpr /dev/sd* /mnt/install/dev/ #create disk nodes needed for LiLo if [ "$rootdirectory" = "/live/modules" ]; then cp -dpr /live/system/lib/udev/devices/* /mnt/install/dev/ fi #cp -dpr $rootdirectory/lib/udev/devices/* /mnt/install/dev/ sed -i /^root:/d /mnt/install/etc/shadow #setup root password cat /etc/shadow | sed -n /^root:/p >> /mnt/install/etc/shadow if [ -f /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap ]; then cp -f /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap /mnt/install/etc/rc.d/ fi cp -f /etc/profile.d/lang.sh /mnt/install/etc/profile.d/ if [ -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keymap.conf ]; then cp -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-keymap.conf /mnt/install/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ fi if [ -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf ]; then cp -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf /mnt/install/etc/X11/ fi if [ -f /etc/localtime ] && [ -h /etc/localtime-copied-from ]; then cp -f /etc/localtime /mnt/install/etc/ cp -df /etc/localtime-copied-from /mnt/install/etc/ fi if [ -f /etc/hardwareclock ]; then cp -f /etc/hardwareclock /mnt/install/etc/ fi #Copy end echo "Setting up fstab" #FSTab begin cat > /mnt/install/etc/fstab << EOF proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0 $systempart / $SYSINSTALLFS defaults 1 1 EOF cat /etc/fstab | grep " swap " >> /mnt/install/etc/fstab #cat /etc/fstab | grep "/mnt" | grep -v "$systempart" >> /mnt/install/etc/fstab #cat /etc/fstab | grep "/mnt" | grep -v "$systempart" | cut -f2 -d' ' | while read mountpoint; do # mkdir /mnt/install$mountpoint #done echo "$systempart / $SYSINSTALLFS defaults 1 1" > /mnt/install/etc/mtab #FSTab end # First, determine our slackware kernel name: for ELEMENT in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ; do if $(cat /proc/cmdline | cut -f $ELEMENT -d ' ' | grep -q BOOT_IMAGE) ; then SLACK_KERNEL=$(cat /proc/cmdline | cut -f $ELEMENT -d ' ' | cut -f 2 -d = | sed "s/\/boot\///") fi done unset ELEMENT # Next, find the kernel's release version: VERSION=$(uname -r | tr - _) # Next find our initrd name for ELEMENT in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ; do if $(cat /proc/cmdline | cut -f $ELEMENT -d ' ' | grep -q initrd) ; then SLACK_INITRD=$(cat /proc/cmdline | cut -f $ELEMENT -d ' ' | cut -f 2 -d = | sed "s/\/boot\///") fi done unset ELEMENT ( cd /mnt/install/boot if [ "$SLACK_KERNEL" == "vmlinuz" ]; then if [ -r vmlinuz-huge-smp-$VERSION ]; then ln -sf vmlinuz-huge-smp-$VERSION vmlinuz ln -sf config-huge-smp-$VERSION config ln -sf System.map-huge-smp-$VERSION System.map fi fi if [ "$SLACK_KERNEL" == "vmlinuznp" ]; then if [ -r vmlinuz-huge-$VERSION ]; then ln -sf vmlinuz-huge-$VERSION vmlinuz ln -sf config-huge-$VERSION config ln -sf System.map-huge-$VERSION System.map fi fi if [ "$SLACK_INITRD" == "nosmp.gz" ]; then cp initrd.gz smp.gz cp nosmp.gz initrd.gz fi ) #InitRD begin if [ ! -f /mnt/install/boot/initrd.gz ]; then echo "Setting initrd" kv=`basename /mnt/install/lib/modules/*` if lsmod | grep -q $SYSINSTALLFS; then moduleslist="$SYSINSTALLFS" fi for module in `lsmod | sed 1d | cut -f1 -d' '`; do modulebis=`echo $module | sed 's/_/-/g'` #'_' -> '-' if [ -f /lib/modules/$kv/kernel/drivers/ata/$module.ko ] || [ -f /lib/modules/$kv/kernel/drivers/scsi/$module.ko ]; then moduleslist="$module:$moduleslist" fi if [ "$module" != "$modulebis" ]; then if [ -f /lib/modules/$kv/kernel/drivers/ata/$modulebis.ko ] || [ -f /lib/modules/$kv/kernel/drivers/scsi/$modulebis.ko ]; then moduleslist="$modulebis:$moduleslist" fi fi done moduleslist=`echo $moduleslist | sed 's/:$//'` if [ ! -z "$moduleslist" ] && [ "$moduleslist" != "sg" ]; then chroot /mnt/install mount /proc chroot /mnt/install mkinitrd -c -f $SYSINSTALLFS -r $systempart -k $kv -m $moduleslist chroot /mnt/install umount /proc fi fi #InitRD end #LiLo begin echo "Setting (e)Lilo" if [ "$loadersetup" == "-auto" ]; then installdevice=`echo $systempart | cut -c1-8` if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]; then #UEFI modprobe efivars efipartnum=`gdisk -l $installdevice | grep "EF00" | sed 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -f2 -d' '` efipartition="$installdevice$efipartnum" if [ ! -z "$efipartition" ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/efi mount $efipartition /mnt/efi efilabel="Salix" if [ -d /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel ]; then conflictpart=`cat /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel/elilo.conf | grep "append" | sed 's/.*root=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/'` if [ "$conflictpart" == "$systempart" ] then efibootid=`efibootmgr | grep $efilabel | cut -b5-8` efibootmgr -q -B -b $efibootid else efilabel="$efilabel`ls /mnt/efi/EFI/ | grep "$efilabel" | wc -l`" fi fi mkdir -p /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel cp /mnt/install/boot/elilo-x86_64.efi /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel/elilo.efi cp /mnt/install/boot/vmlinuz /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel/ cat > /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel/elilo.conf << EOF timeout=1 default=salix image=vmlinuz label=salix append="root=$systempart ro" read-only EOF if [ -f /mnt/install/boot/initrd.gz ]; then echo " initrd=initrd.gz" >> /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel/elilo.conf cp /mnt/install/boot/initrd.gz /mnt/efi/EFI/$efilabel/ fi umount /mnt/efi rmdir /mnt/efi efibootmgr -q -c -d $installdevice -p $efipartnum -l "\\EFI\\$efilabel\\elilo.efi" -L "Salix ($systempart)" fi else #BIOS echo "boot = $installdevice" > /mnt/install/etc/lilo.conf if [ -f /mnt/install/boot/salix.bmp ]; then cat >> /mnt/install/etc/lilo.conf << EOF bitmap = /boot/salix.bmp bmp-colors = 255,0,255,0,255,0 bmp-table = 60,6,1,16 bmp-timer = 65,27,0,255 vga = 791 EOF fi cat >> /mnt/install/etc/lilo.conf << EOF lba32 prompt timeout = 50 compact image = /boot/vmlinuz root = $systempart label = salix read-only EOF if [ -f /mnt/install/boot/initrd.gz ]; then echo "initrd = /boot/initrd.gz" >> /mnt/install/etc/lilo.conf fi windowspartition=`fdisk -l $installdevice 2>/dev/null | grep "^$installdevice.*\*.*\(NTFS\|FAT32\)" | cut -f1 -d' '` if [ ! -z "$windowspartition" ]; then cat >> /mnt/install/etc/lilo.conf << EOF other = $windowspartition label = Windows table = $installdevice EOF fi chroot /mnt/install mount /proc chroot /mnt/install lilo || return $BOOTERROR chroot /mnt/install umount /proc fi fi #LiLo end liveuser=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash | grep /home/| cut -d : -f 1) if [ "$liveuser" != "" ]; then echo "Deleting liveuser $liveuser" chroot /mnt/install mount /proc chroot /mnt/install /usr/sbin/userdel -r $liveuser 2>/dev/null chroot /mnt/install umount /proc fi if [ "$username" != "" ]; then echo "Creating user $username with password $userpassword" chroot /mnt/install mount /proc chroot /mnt/install /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/bash -g users -m -k /etc/skel -G lp,floppy,audio,video,cdrom,plugdev,power,netdev,scanner,wheel "$username" chroot /mnt/install umount /proc fi if [ "$userpassword" != "" ]; then echo "Setting password for user $username to $userpassword" chroot /mnt/install mount /proc echo ${username}:${userpassword} | chroot /mnt/install chpasswd chroot /mnt/install umount /proc fi if [ -f /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc ]; then sed -i "s/NoPassEnable=.*/NoPassEnable=/g" /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc sed -i "s/NoPassUsers=.*/NoPassUsers=/g" /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc sed -i "s/DefaultUser=.*/DefaultUser=/g" /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc sed -i "s/AllowNullPasswd=.*/AllowNullPasswd=/g" /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc sed -i "s/AutoLoginEnable=.*/AutoLoginEnable=/g" /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc sed -i "s/AutoLoginUser=.*/AutoLoginUser=/g" /mnt/install/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc fi if [ -f /mnt/install/etc/gdm/custom.conf ]; then cat > /mnt/install/etc/gdm/custom.conf << EOF # GDM Custom Configuration file. # # This file is the appropriate place for specifying your customizations to the # GDM configuration. If you run gdmsetup, it will automatically edit this # file for you and will cause the daemon and any running GDM GUI programs to # automatically update with the new configuration. Not all configuration # options are supported by gdmsetup, so to modify some values it may be # necessary to modify this file directly by hand. # # This file overrides the default configuration settings. These settings # are stored in the GDM System Defaults configuration file, which is found # at the following location. # # /usr/share/gdm/defaults.conf. # # This file contains comments about the meaning of each configuration option, # so is also a useful reference. Also refer to the documentation links at # the end of this comment for further information. In short, to hand-edit # this file, simply add or modify the key=value combination in the # appropriate section in the template below this comment section. # # For example, if you want to specify a different value for the Enable key # in the "[debug]" section of your GDM System Defaults configuration file, # then add "Enable=true" in the "[debug]" section of this file. If the # key already exists in this file, then simply modify it. # # Older versions of GDM used the "gdm.conf" file for configuration. If your # system has an old gdm.conf file on the system, it will be used instead of # this file - so changes made to this file will not take effect. Consider # migrating your configuration to this file and removing the gdm.conf file. # # If you hand edit a GDM configuration file, you can run the following # command and the GDM daemon will immediately reflect the change. Any # running GDM GUI programs will also be notified to update with the new # configuration. # # gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG " # # e.g, the "Enable" key in the "[debug]" section would be "debug/Enable". # # You can also run gdm-restart or gdm-safe-restart to cause GDM to restart and # re-read the new configuration settings. You can also restart GDM by sending # a HUP or USR1 signal to the daemon. HUP behaves like gdm-restart and causes # any user session started by GDM to exit immediately while USR1 behaves like # gdm-safe-restart and will wait until all users log out before restarting GDM. # # For full reference documentation see the gnome help browser under # GNOME|System category. You can also find the docs in HTML form on # http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/ # # NOTE: Lines that begin with "#" are considered comments. # # Have fun! [daemon] [security] [xdmcp] [gui] [greeter] [chooser] [debug] # Note that to disable servers defined in the GDM System Defaults # configuration file (such as 0=Standard, you must put a line in this file # that says 0=inactive, as described in the Configuration section of the GDM # documentation. # [servers] # Also note, that if you redefine a [server-foo] section, then GDM will # use the definition in this file, not the GDM System Defaults configuration # file. It is currently not possible to disable a [server-foo] section # defined in the GDM System Defaults configuration file. # EOF fi echo "Removing installer" chroot /mnt/install mount /proc chroot /mnt/install rm -f /home/one/Desktop/sli*.desktop chroot /mnt/install spkg -d sli chroot /mnt/install umount /proc # Run various slackware install routines echo "Run various slackware install routines" chroot /mnt/install mount /proc if [ -f /mnt/install/var/log/setup/setup.04.mkfontdir ]; then chroot /mnt/install /var/log/setup/setup.04.mkfontdir fi if [ -f mnt/install/var/log/setup/setup.08.gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then chroot /mnt/install /var/log/setup/setup.08.gtk-update-icon-cache fi if [ -f mnt/install/usr/sbin/update-all ]; then chroot /mnt/install /usr/sbin/update-all fi if [ -f mnt/install/var/log/setup/setup.services ]; then chroot /mnt/install /var/log/setup/setup.services fi chroot /mnt/install umount /proc # Set the hostname. chmod 777 /mnt/install/etc/HOSTNAME echo "darkstar.example.net" > /mnt/install/etc/HOSTNAME chmod 644 /mnt/install/etc/HOSTNAME umount /mnt/install rmdir /mnt/install return 0 } function share_live() { livedirectory=$1 listeniface=$2 iprange=$3 moduleslist=$4 #backups if [ ! -f /etc/export.sl ]; then mv /etc/exports{,.sl}; fi if [ ! -f /etc/dhcpd.conf.sl ]; then mv /etc/dhcpd.conf{,.sl}; fi #retrieve network parameters serverip=`ifconfig $listeniface | sed -n 2p | sed 's/ */:/g' | cut -f3 -d:` netmask=`ifconfig $listeniface | sed -n 2p | sed 's/ */:/g' | cut -f5 -d:` gateway=`route -n | sed -n /^ | sed s/\ \ */:/g | cut -f2 -d:` nameserver=`cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | sed -n 1p | cut -f2 -d' '` if [ "$gateway" == "" ]; then gateway=$serverip nameserver=$serverip fi network=`ifconfig $listeniface | sed -n 2p | sed 's/ */:/g' | cut -f7 -d: | sed 's/255/0/g'` #setup NFS server echo "$livedirectory $network/$netmask(ro,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,async,no_subtree_check)" > /etc/exports . /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd start #setup TFTP booting mkdir -p /tftpboot/boot cp $livedirectory/boot/* /tftpboot/boot/ 2>/dev/null #copy only files cp /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /tftpboot/ cp -r $livedirectory/boot/syslinux /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg rm -f /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/{ldlinux.sys,isolinux.bin} mv /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/{syslinux.cfg,default} for configfile in `find /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/* ! -name "*.png" ! -name "*.jpg" ! -name "*.c32"`; do sed -i "s@append @append nfsroot=$serverip:$livedirectory @" $configfile sed -i 's/\(timeout.*\)/\1\nipappend 1/' $configfile done mv /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/* /tftpboot/ mv /tftpboot/default /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/ sed -i s/^\#\ tftp/tftp/ /etc/inetd.conf . /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd start #append net drivers to InitRD if [ ! -z "$moduleslist" ]; then for initrd in /tftpboot/boot/*.gz; do #for each suspected initrd file mkdir /tmp/initrd-tree cd /tmp/initrd-tree if gunzip -c $initrd | cpio -i 2>/dev/null && [ -d lib/modules ]; then #if it is really an initrd kv=`basename lib/modules/*` mkinitrd -c -o /tmp/initrd.gz -s /tmp/initrd-tree-bis -k $kv -m $moduleslist rm -f /tmp/initrd.gz cp -r /tmp/initrd-tree-bis/lib/modules/* lib/modules/ cat /tmp/initrd-tree-bis/load_kernel_modules >> load_kernel_modules rm -rf /tmp/initrd-tree-bis find lib/modules/ -name "*.ko" | xargs strip --strip-unneeded chroot . depmod $kv find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9c > $initrd fi cd - >/dev/null rm -rf /tmp/initrd-tree done fi #setup DHCP server if ! dhcpcd -T -t 1 $listeniface 2>&1 | grep -q IPv4LL then rangeprefix=`echo $serverip | cut -f1-3 -d .` #only the last byte is used for network machine number rangebegin=`echo $iprange | cut -f1 -d-` rangeend=`echo $iprange | cut -f2 -d-` cat > /etc/dhcpd.conf << EOF ddns-update-style none; option routers $gateway; option domain-name-servers $nameserver; subnet $network netmask $netmask { range $rangeprefix.$rangebegin $rangeprefix.$rangeend; filename "pxelinux.0"; next-server $serverip; #TFTP server } EOF rm -f /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases; touch /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases #needed on live system dhcpd $listeniface else echo "a DHCP server is already running - PXE parameters are:" echo -e "\tfilename \"pxelinux.0\"; #(option 67 on Windows)\n\tnext-server $serverip; #(option 66 on Windows)" fi } function unshare_live() { . /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd stop . /etc/rc.d/rc.inetd stop killall dhcpd sed -i s/^tftp/\#\ tftp/ /etc/inetd.conf if [ -f /etc/export.sl ]; then mv /etc/exports{.sl,}; fi if [ -f /etc/dhcpd.conf.sl ]; then mv /etc/dhcpd.conf{.sl,}; fi } action=$1 case $action in "--add") packagesdirectory=$2 rootdirectory=$3 packageslistfile=$4 if [ -d "$packagesdirectory" ] && [ ! -z "$rootdirectory" ] && [ -f "$packageslistfile" ]; then add_packages $packagesdirectory $rootdirectory $packageslistfile else echo -e "`basename $0` --add packages_dir root_dir pkg_list_file" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--init") rootdirectory=$2 livedirectory=$3 moduleslist=$4 if [ -d "$rootdirectory" ] && [ ! -z "$livedirectory" ]; then if [ -z "$moduleslist" ]; then moduleslist="squashfs:fuse:loop:ehci-pci:xhci-hcd:usb-storage" fi init_live $rootdirectory $livedirectory $moduleslist else echo "`basename $0` --init root_dir live_dir [modules_list]" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--sysprep") rwdirectory=$2 if [ -d "$rwdirectory" ]; then shift; shift sys_prep "$rwdirectory" $* else echo "`basename $0` --sysprep root_dir_1(rw) root_dir_2(ro) ..." exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--module") rootdirectory=$2 livedirectory=$3 modulename=$4 if [ "$5" == "-xz" ] || [ "$5" == "-gzip" ]; then compression=$5 option=$6 else option=$5 fi if [ -d "$rootdirectory" ] && [ -d "$livedirectory" ] && [ ! -z "$modulename" ]; then add_module $rootdirectory $livedirectory $modulename $compression $option else echo "`basename $0` --module root_dir live_dir module_file_name [-xz|-gzip] [-optional]" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--iso") livedirectory=$2 imagefilename=$3 if [ -d "$livedirectory" ] && [ -d "`dirname $imagefilename`" ] && [ ! -d "$imagefilename" ]; then create_iso $livedirectory $imagefilename else echo "`basename $0` --iso live_dir iso_file" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--usb") livedirectory=$2 installmedia=$3 if [ -d "$livedirectory" ] && [ -b "$installmedia" ]; then livesystemsize=`du -s -m $livedirectory | sed 's/\t.*//'` device=`echo $installmedia | cut -c6-8` partition=`echo $installmedia | cut -c6-` sectorscount=`cat /sys/block/$device/subsystem/$partition/size` sectorsize=`cat /sys/block/$device/queue/hw_sector_size` let destinationsize=$sectorscount*$sectorsize/1048576 if (( $livesystemsize > $destinationsize)); then echo "error: insufficant space on device '$installmedia'" exit $INSUFFICIENTSPACE else install_usb $livedirectory $installmedia exit $! fi else echo "`basename $0` --usb live_dir device" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--install") rootdirectory=$2 systempart=$3 loadersetup=$4 username=$5 userpassword=$6 installation_mode=$7 if [ -d "$rootdirectory" ] && [ -b "$systempart" ]; then systemsize=`du -s -m $rootdirectory | sed 's/\t.*//'` device=`echo $systempart | cut -c6-8` partition=`echo $systempart | cut -c6-` sectorscount=`cat /sys/block/$device/subsystem/$partition/size` sectorsize=`cat /sys/block/$device/queue/hw_sector_size` let destinationsize=$sectorscount*$sectorsize/1048576 if (( $systemsize > $destinationsize)); then echo "error: insufficant space on device '$systempart'" exit $INSUFFICIENTSPACE else install_system $rootdirectory $systempart $loadersetup $username $userpassword $installation_mode exit $! fi else echo "`basename $0` --install root_dir device [-auto|-expert] username userpassword installation_mode" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--share") livedirectory=$2 listeniface=$3 iprange=$4 moduleslist=$5 if [ -d "$livedirectory" ] && ifconfig | grep -q "$listeniface:" && [ ! -z "$iprange" ]; then if [ "$moduleslist" == "auto" ]; then moduleslist="" for module in `lsmod | cut -f1 -d' '`; do if [ ! -z `find /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net -name "$module.ko"` ]; then moduleslist+=":$module" fi done moduleslist=`echo $moduleslist | cut -c2-` fi unshare_live share_live $livedirectory $listeniface $iprange $moduleslist else echo "`basename $0` --share live_system_dir listen_interface ip_range [modules_list|auto]" exit $CMDERROR fi ;; "--unshare") unshare_live ;; *) echo "`basename $0` --add packages_dir root_dir pkg_list_file" echo "`basename $0` --sysprep root_dir_1(rw) root_dir_2(ro) ..." echo "`basename $0` --init root_dir live_dir [modules_list]" echo "`basename $0` --module root_dir live_dir module_file [-xz|-gzip] [-optional]" echo "`basename $0` --iso live_dir iso_file" echo "`basename $0` --usb live_dir device" echo "`basename $0` --install root_dir device [-auto|-expert]" echo "`basename $0` --share live_dir listen_interface ip_range [modules_list|auto]" echo "`basename $0` --unshare" exit $CMDERROR ;; esac