# vim: set syn=sh et ai sw=2 st=2 ts=2 tw=0: #Packager: Dimitris Tzemos pkgname=squashfs-tools pkgver=4.3 pkgrel=1dj source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/squashfs/squashfs${pkgver}.tar.gz) sourcetemplate=http://people.salixos.org/djemos/salix/$pkgname docs=("readme" "readme-$pkgver" "install" "copying" "changes" "donation" "acknowledgements" "performance.readme" "pseudo-file.example") url=http://sourceforge.net/projects/squashfs slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "squashfs-tools (squashed read-only filesystem for Linux)" "Squashfs is a highly compressed read-only filesystem for Linux." "Squashfs compresses both files, inodes and directories, and" "supports block sizes up to 1Mbytes for greater compression." "It is implemented as a kernel module under VFS." "The package contains tools for manipulation of squashfs bundles." "With this tools, you can create a squashfs FS or extract from it." "It supports GZIP, LZO, LZMA and XZ compression." "" "home: http://squashfs.sourceforge.net/" ) build() { cd $startdir/src/squashfs${pkgver}/squashfs-tools make GZIP_SUPPORT=1 XZ_SUPPORT=1 LZO_SUPPORT=1 LZMA_XZ_SUPPORT=1 COMP_DEFAULT=xz || return 1 make install INSTALL_DIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/bin || return 1 }