\input{mmd-article-header} \def\mytitle{Edge Cases} \input{mmd-article-begin-doc} \part{Strong and Emph} \label{strongandemph} The \textbf{\emph{quick}} brown \textbf{\emph{fox}} jumped The \textbf{\emph{quick}} brown fox jumped The \emph{\textbf{quick} brown fox} jumped The \textbf{\emph{quick} brown fox} jumped The \textbf{\emph{quick} brown \emph{fox}} jumped The \emph{\textbf{quick} brown \textbf{fox}} jumped This \emph{should} be parsed -- fo***o \part{More Strong and Emph} \label{morestrongandemph} This is \textbf{\emph{another} test} of \emph{italics} and \textbf{bold}. This is \textbf{\emph{another} test} of \textbf{bold} and \emph{italics}. This is \emph{\textbf{another} test} of \textbf{bold} and \emph{italics}. This is \emph{\textbf{another} test} of \emph{italics} and \textbf{bold}. This is \textbf{\emph{another} test} of \emph{italics} and \textbf{bold}. This is \textbf{\emph{another} test} of \textbf{bold} and \emph{italics}. This is \emph{\textbf{another} test} of \textbf{bold} and \emph{italics}. This is \emph{\textbf{another} test} of \emph{italics} and \textbf{bold}. \part{Can fail to process quickly} \label{canfailtoprocessquickly} \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a \emph{a }a *a aaaaa \part{Citations within Footnotes} \label{citationswithinfootnotes} Test~\citep{Citekey;}. Test2 ~\citep{Citekey;}. Test3.\footnote{~\citep{Citekey;}. A} Test4.\footnote{~\citep{Citekey;}. B} \begin{thebibliography}{0} \bibitem{Citekey;} This is an article \end{thebibliography} \input{mmd-memoir-footer} \end{document}