/* writer.c -- General routines for converting parse structure to various output formats. (c) 2013-2015 Fletcher T. Penney (http://fletcherpenney.net/). Derived from peg-multimarkdown, which was forked from peg-markdown, which is (c) 2008 John MacFarlane (jgm at berkeley dot edu), and licensed under GNU GPL or MIT. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "writer.h" /* export_node_tree -- given a tree, export as specified format */ char * export_node_tree(node *list, int format, unsigned long extensions) { char *output; char *temp; GString *out = g_string_new(""); scratch_pad *scratch = mk_scratch_pad(extensions); scratch->result_tree = list; /* Pointer to result tree to use later */ #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "export_node_tree\n"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "extract_references\n"); #endif if ((format != OPML_FORMAT) && (format != CRITIC_ACCEPT_FORMAT) && (format != CRITIC_REJECT_FORMAT) && (format != CRITIC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT_FORMAT)) { /* Find defined abbreviations */ extract_abbreviations(list, scratch); /* Apply those abbreviations to source text */ find_abbreviations(list, scratch); /* Parse for link, images, etc reference definitions */ extract_references(list, scratch); } /* Change our desired format based on metadata */ if (format == LATEX_FORMAT) format = find_latex_mode(format, list); switch (format) { case TEXT_FORMAT: print_text_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case HTML_FORMAT: if (scratch->extensions & EXT_COMPLETE) { temp = metavalue_for_key("lang", scratch->result_tree); if (temp != NULL) { g_string_append_printf(out, "\n\n\n\t\n",temp); free(temp); } else { g_string_append_printf(out, "\n\n\n\t\n"); } } #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "print_html output\n"); #endif print_html_node_tree(out, list, scratch); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "print html endnotes\n"); #endif print_html_endnotes(out, scratch); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "finished printing html endnotes\n"); #endif if (scratch->extensions & EXT_COMPLETE) { pad(out,2, scratch); g_string_append_printf(out, "\n"); } #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "closed HTML document\n"); #endif break; case LATEX_FORMAT: if ((list != NULL) && (list->key != METADATA)) { print_latex_node_tree(out, scratch->abbreviations, scratch); } print_latex_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case MEMOIR_FORMAT: if ((list != NULL) && (list->key != METADATA)) { print_memoir_node_tree(out, scratch->abbreviations, scratch); } print_memoir_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case BEAMER_FORMAT: if ((list != NULL) && (list->key != METADATA)) { print_beamer_node_tree(out, scratch->abbreviations, scratch); } print_beamer_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case LYX_FORMAT: perform_lyx_output(out,list,scratch); break; case OPML_FORMAT: #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "export OPML\n"); #endif begin_opml_output(out, list, scratch); print_opml_node_tree(out, list, scratch); end_opml_output(out, list, scratch); break; case ODF_FORMAT: #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "export ODF\n"); #endif begin_odf_output(out, list, scratch); print_odf_node_tree(out, list, scratch); end_odf_output(out, list, scratch); break; case RTF_FORMAT: #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "export RTF\n"); #endif if (!(scratch->extensions & EXT_SNIPPET)) begin_rtf_output(out, list, scratch); print_rtf_node_tree(out, list, scratch); if (!(scratch->extensions & EXT_SNIPPET)) end_rtf_output(out, list, scratch); break; case CRITIC_ACCEPT_FORMAT: print_critic_accept_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case CRITIC_REJECT_FORMAT: print_critic_reject_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case CRITIC_HTML_HIGHLIGHT_FORMAT: print_critic_html_highlight_node_tree(out, list, scratch); break; case TOC_FORMAT: scratch->toc_level = 0; print_toc_node_tree(out,list,scratch); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown export format = %d\n",format); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } output = out->str; g_string_free(out, false); free_scratch_pad(scratch); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "finish export_node_tree\n"); #endif return output; } /* extract_references -- go through node tree and find elements we need to reference; e.g. links, images, citations, footnotes Copy them from main parse tree */ void extract_references(node *list, scratch_pad *scratch) { node *temp; link_data *l; while (list != NULL) { switch (list->key) { case LINKREFERENCE: l = list->link_data; temp = mk_link(list->children, l->label, l->source, l->title, NULL); temp->link_data->attr = copy_node_tree(l->attr); /* store copy of link reference */ scratch->links = cons(temp, scratch->links); break; case NOTESOURCE: case GLOSSARYSOURCE: temp = copy_node(list); scratch->notes = cons(temp, scratch->notes); break; case H1: case H2: case H3: case H4: case H5: case H6: if ((list->children->key != AUTOLABEL) && !(scratch->extensions & EXT_NO_LABELS) && !(scratch->extensions & EXT_COMPATIBILITY)) { char *label = label_from_node_tree(list->children); /* create a label from header */ temp = mk_autolink(label); scratch->links = cons(temp, scratch->links); free(label); } break; case TABLE: if (list->children->key != TABLELABEL) { char *label = label_from_node(list->children); /* create a label from header */ temp = mk_autolink(label); scratch->links = cons(temp, scratch->links); free(label); } break; case HEADINGSECTION: case RAW: case LIST: extract_references(list->children, scratch); break; default: break; } list = list->next; } } /* extract_abbreviations -- traverse node tree and find abbreviation definitions */ void extract_abbreviations(node *list, scratch_pad *scratch) { node *temp; while (list != NULL) { switch (list->key) { case ABBREVIATION: temp = copy_node(list); list->key = KEY_COUNTER; /* Mark this as dead; we will use it elsewhere */ trim_trailing_whitespace(temp->str); scratch->abbreviations = cons(temp, scratch->abbreviations); break; case HEADINGSECTION: case RAW: case LIST: case BLOCKQUOTEMARKER: case BLOCKQUOTE: extract_abbreviations(list->children, scratch); break; default: /* Try to boost performance by skipping dead ends */ break; } list = list->next; } } /* find_abbreviations -- use abbreviations to look for matching strings */ void find_abbreviations(node *list, scratch_pad *scratch) { node *abbr = scratch->abbreviations; node *temp, *target, *end = NULL; bool ismatch; // Don't look if we didn't define any abbreviations */ if (abbr->key == KEY_COUNTER) return; while (list != NULL) { switch (list->key) { case STR: /* Look for matching abbrevation */ /*fprintf(stderr, "Check '%s' for matching abbr\n", list->str); */ abbr = scratch->abbreviations; while (abbr != NULL) { if (abbr->key != KEY_COUNTER) { ismatch = true; temp = abbr->children->children; target = list; while((ismatch) && (temp != NULL) && (target != NULL)) { switch (temp->key) { case STR: if (strcmp(temp->str, target->str) != 0) { ismatch = false; } case SPACE: case KEY_COUNTER: break; default: if (temp->key != target->key) ismatch = false; break; } temp = temp->next; end = target; target = target->next; } if ((ismatch) && (temp == NULL)) { temp = copy_node(abbr); temp->next = NULL; list->children = temp; if (list != end) { list->key = ABBRSTART; if (end != NULL) end->key = ABBRSTOP; } else { list->key = ABBR; } } } abbr = abbr->next; } break; case LIST: case ORDEREDLIST: case BULLETLIST: case LISTITEM: case HEADINGSECTION: case PARA: case PLAIN: case LINK: case LINKREFERENCE: case NOTEREFERENCE: case NOTESOURCE: case GLOSSARYSOURCE: case BLOCKQUOTEMARKER: case BLOCKQUOTE: /* Check children of these elements */ find_abbreviations(list->children, scratch); break; default: /* Everything else we skip */ break; } list = list->next; } } /* extract_link_data -- given a label, parse the link data and return */ link_data * extract_link_data(char *label, scratch_pad *scratch) { char *temp; link_data *d; node *ref = scratch->links; bool debug = 0; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "try to extract link for '%s'\n",label); if ((label == NULL) || (strlen(label) == 0)) return NULL; temp = clean_string(label); /* look for label string as is */ while (ref != NULL) { if (ref->key == KEY_COUNTER) { ref = ref->next; continue; } if (strcmp(ref->link_data->label, temp) == 0) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"a:matched %s to %s\n",ref->link_data->label, label); /* matched */ d = ref->link_data; d = mk_link_data(d->label, d->source, d->title, d->attr); free(temp); return d; } else { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"a:did not match %s to %s\n",ref->link_data->label, label); } ref = ref->next; } free(temp); /* No match. Check for label()version */ if (scratch->extensions & EXT_COMPATIBILITY) { /* not in compat mode */ return NULL; } temp = label_from_string(label); ref = scratch->links; while (ref != NULL) { if (ref->key == KEY_COUNTER) { ref = ref->next; continue; } if (strcmp(ref->link_data->label, temp) == 0) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"b:matched %s to %s\n",ref->link_data->label, label); /* matched */ d = ref->link_data; d = mk_link_data(d->label, d->source, d->title, d->attr); free(temp); return d; } else { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"b:did not match %s to %s\n",ref->link_data->label, label); } ref = ref->next; } free(temp); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "finish extract\n"); return NULL; } /* pad -- ensure that at least 'x' newlines are at end of output */ void pad(GString *out, int num, scratch_pad *scratch) { while (num-- > scratch->padded) g_string_append_c(out, '\n'); scratch->padded = num; } /* note_number_for_label -- given a label to match, determine number to be used*/ int note_number_for_label(char *text, scratch_pad *scratch) { node *n = NULL; char *clean; char *label; #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "find note number for: %s\n",text); #endif if ((text == NULL) || (strlen(text) == 0)) return 0; /* Nothing to find */ clean = clean_string(text); label = label_from_string(clean); /* have we used this note already? */ /* look for label string as is */ n = node_matching_label(clean, scratch->used_notes); /* if not, look in reserve queue */ if (n == NULL) { n = node_matching_label(clean, scratch->notes); if (n != NULL) { /* move to used queue */ move_note_to_used(n, scratch); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note has not already been used for: %s\n",text); #endif } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note has already been used for: %s\n",text); #endif } /* Check label version */ if (n == NULL) n = node_matching_label(label, scratch->used_notes); if (n == NULL) { n = node_matching_label(label, scratch->notes); if (n != NULL) { /* move to used queue */ move_note_to_used(n, scratch); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note has not already been used for: %s\n",label); #endif } } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note has already been used for: %s\n",label); #endif } /* CAN recursively drill down to start counter at 0 and ++ */ /* if found, move to used queue and return the number */ free(label); free(clean); if (n != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note number is: %d\n",count_node_from_end(n)); #endif return count_node_from_end(n); } else return 0; } /* note_number_for_node -- given a note reference to match, determine number to be used*/ int note_number_for_node(node *ref, scratch_pad *scratch) { char *label = ref->str; node *n = NULL; int num = 0; num = note_number_for_label(label, scratch); if (num > 0) return num; /* None found, so treat as inline note */ n = ref->children; use_inline_footnote(ref, scratch); return count_node_from_end(n); } /* node_matching_label -- given a string, return the node matching the string */ node * node_matching_label(char *label, node *n) { while (n != NULL) { if (n->key == KEY_COUNTER) { n = n->next; continue; } if (strcmp(n->str, label) == 0) { return n; } n = n->next; } return NULL; } /* since lists are stored in reverse order, need to count from end */ int count_node_from_end(node *n) { if (n->next == NULL) { if (n->key == KEY_COUNTER) return 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note %d: '%s'\n",1,n->str); #endif return 1; /* reserve 0 for not found */ } #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "note %d: '%s'\n",count_node_from_end(n->next) +1,n->str); #endif return (count_node_from_end(n->next) + 1); } /* since lists are stored in reverse order, need to count from end Only count cites (not footnotes) */ int cite_count_node_from_end(node *n) { if (n->next == NULL) { /* we're the last node */ if (n->key == CITATIONSOURCE) return 1; return 0; /* reserve 0 for not found */ } if (n->key == CITATIONSOURCE) { return (cite_count_node_from_end(n->next) + 1); } else { return (cite_count_node_from_end(n->next)); } } /* node_for_count -- given a number, get that node */ node * node_for_count(node *n, int count) { if (n == NULL) return NULL; int total = count_node_from_end(n); if (count > total) return NULL; if (count == total) return n; while (total > count) { n = n->next; if (n == NULL) return NULL; total--; } return n; } /* move_note_to_used -- snip note from ->notes and move to used_notes */ void move_note_to_used(node *list, scratch_pad *scratch) { node * n = scratch->notes; node * last = NULL; while (n != NULL) { if (n == list) { if (last != NULL) { last->next = n->next; } else { scratch->notes = n->next; } scratch->used_notes = cons(n, scratch->used_notes); return; } last = n; n = n->next; } } /* use_inline_footnote -- create a new note definition from inline footnote */ void use_inline_footnote(node *ref, scratch_pad *scratch) { scratch->used_notes = cons(ref->children, scratch->used_notes); ref->children = NULL; } /* find attribute, if present */ node * node_for_attribute(char *querystring, node *list) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "start node_for_attribute\n"); #endif node *step = NULL; step = list; char *query; if (querystring == NULL) return NULL; query = label_from_string(querystring); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "node_for_attribute 2: '%s'\n",query); #endif while (step != NULL) { if ((step->str != NULL) && (strcmp(step->str,query) == 0)) { free(query); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "matched node_for_attribute\n"); #endif return step; } #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "'%s' doesn't match '%s'\n",query,step->str); if (step->next == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "no next node\n"); #endif step = step->next; } free(query); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "stop node_for_attribute\n"); #endif return NULL; } /* convert attribute to dimensions suitable for LaTeX or ODF */ /* returns c string that needs to be freed */ char * dimension_for_attribute(char *querystring, node *list) { #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "start dimension_for_attribute\n"); #endif node *attribute; char *dimension; char *ptr; int i; char *upper; GString *result; attribute = node_for_attribute(querystring, list); if (attribute == NULL) return NULL; #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "a\n"); #endif dimension = strdup(attribute->children->str); upper = strdup(attribute->children->str); for(i = 0; dimension[ i ]; i++) dimension[i] = tolower(dimension[ i ]); for(i = 0; upper[ i ]; i++) upper[i] = toupper(upper[ i ]); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "b\n"); #endif if (strstr(dimension, "px")) { ptr = strstr(dimension,"px"); ptr[0] = '\0'; strcat(ptr,"pt"); } result = g_string_new(dimension); if ((strcmp(dimension,upper) == 0) && (dimension[strlen(dimension) -1] != '%')) { /* no units */ g_string_append_printf(result, "pt"); } free(upper); free(dimension); dimension = result->str; g_string_free(result, false); #ifdef DEBUG_ON fprintf(stderr, "finish dimension_for_attribute\n"); #endif return(dimension); } /* Load available info for a link */ link_data * load_link_data(node *n, scratch_pad *scratch) { link_data *r = NULL; GString *temp_str = NULL; char *temp; r = mk_link_data(n->link_data->label, n->link_data->source, n->link_data->title, n->link_data->attr); /* Do we have proper info? */ if ((r->label == NULL) && (r->source == NULL)) { /* we seem to be a [foo][] style link */ /* so load a label */ temp_str = g_string_new(""); print_raw_node_tree(temp_str, n->children); r->label = temp_str->str; g_string_free(temp_str, FALSE); } /* Load data by reference */ if (r->label != NULL) { temp = strdup(r->label); r->attr = NULL; free_link_data(r); r = extract_link_data(temp, scratch); if (r == NULL) { /* return NULL since no definition found */ free(temp); return NULL; } free(temp); } return r; }