# .ratpoisonrc # place in ~/ to create a custom configuration # /etc/ratpoisonrc is only picked up if there is no ~/.ratpoisonrc banish set border 0 set barpadding 0 0 set font terminus set winfmt %n%s%a bind W exec rpallwin bind r exec ~/.ratmenu/main.sh bind F1 exec rpws move1 bind F2 exec rpws move2 bind F3 exec rpws move3 bind F4 exec rpws move4 bind F5 exec rpws move5 bind F11 exec rpws moveprev bind F12 exec rpws movenext bind e exec rpexpose bind b exec firefox # change to the browser of your choice, or install the vimperator plugin for mouseless browsing # set default background exec feh --bg-scale /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/BlurryBlue.png # create 5 workspaces and create aliases (run: rpws help) exec rpws init 5 -k