0.2.1 - Delete spurious references to deleted ``unipath.platform`` package. 0.2.0 - Rename Path to AbstractPath, and FSPath to Path. FSPath remains as an alias for backward compatibility. - Allow integers in constructor. - Path.mkdir() checks whether the directory exists first. - Test suite now uses nose instead of unittest. - "+" operator returns concatenated path rather than string. - Bugfix in Path.rel_path_to(). - Thanks to Roman for patches and suggestions. - Delete Path.symlink(); use Path.write_link() instead -- note that the arg is the desination rather than the source! - Path.make_relative_link_to() is a shortcut for ``self.write_link(self.rel_path_to(dst))``. - Delete the ``platform`` package. See the tests if you need non-native path syntax.` 0.1.0, released 2007-01-28 by MSO - Initial release.