"""unipath.py - A two-class approach to file/directory operations in Python. Full usage, documentation, changelog, and history are at http://sluggo.scrapping.cc/python/unipath/ (c) 2007 by Mike Orr (and others listed in "History" section of doc page). Permission is granted to redistribute, modify, and include in commercial and noncommercial products under the terms of the Python license (i.e., the "Python Software Foundation License version 2" at http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/license/). """ from unipath.abstractpath import AbstractPath from unipath.path import Path FSPath = Path #### FILTER FUNCTIONS (PUBLIC) #### def DIRS(p): return p.isdir() def FILES(p): return p.isfile() def LINKS(p): return p.islink() def DIRS_NO_LINKS(p): return p.isdir() and not p.islink() def FILES_NO_LINKS(p): return p.isfile() and not p.islink() def DEAD_LINKS(p): return p.islink() and not p.exists()