#Packager: tim~DOT~beech~AT~gmail~DOT~com pkgname=wmname pkgver=0.1 pkgrel=2tjb #arch=noarch source=("http://dl.suckless.org/tools/wmname-0.1.tar.gz") sourcetemplate=http://people.salixos.org/mimosa/packages/$pkgname/$pkgver/ docs=("readme" "license") url="http://dl.suckless.org" #dotnew=() #CFLAGS= #CXXFLAGS= #options=('noextract') #doinst() { # #} slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "wmname" "wmname sets the window manager name property of the root window" "similar to how hostname(1) behaves. This is useful to fix" "problems with JDK versions and other broken programs assuming a" "reparenting window manager. The command wmname prints the window" "manager name, if any. The command wmname sets the window manager" "name, e.g. wmname LG3D. Java applications should then work with" "Ratpoison, XMonad and other tiling WMs." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver make clean install PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg }