#Maintainer: Dimitris Tzemos pkgname=projectM pkgver=2.0.1 pkgrel=1dj source=("http://sunet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/projectm/2.0.1/$pkgname-$pkgver-Source.tar.gz") url="http://projectm.sourceforge.net/" docs=('COPYING' 'ChangeLog') slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "projectM (Music visualization program)" "projectM is an OpenGL based advanced music visualization program" "for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. It is backward compatible with" "all the features of Milkdrop 1.x (and now 2.x), but has many new" "toys and enhancements." ) build() { # how many build jobs? JOBS="-j$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)*2))" NUMJOBS="${NUMJOBS:-"${JOBS}"}" cd $startdir/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}-Source mkdir build cd build cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DLIB_SUFFIX=${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \ -DMAN_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/man \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make $NUMJOBS || return 1 make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg/ install || return 1 chown -R root:root $startdir/pkg }