#!/bin/sh if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then echo "You need to be root to run this" exit 1 fi #pkgver=4.0.0-beta.20 #pkgver=4.0.0-beta.25 pkgver=4.0.0 if [ ! -f "./stremio.png" ]; then wget https://archive.org/download/stremio/stremio.png fi if [ ! -f "./Stremio+$pkgver.appimage" ]; then wget https://dl.strem.io/linux/v$pkgver/Stremio+$pkgver.appimage fi mkdir -p /opt/Stremio$pkgver/ chmod +x Stremio+$pkgver.appimage mv Stremio+$pkgver.appimage /opt/Stremio$pkgver ln -sf /opt/Stremio$pkgver/Stremio+$pkgver.appimage /usr/bin/stremio echo "" > /usr/share/applications/stremio.desktop cat > /usr/share/applications/stremio.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry] Version=$pkgver Type=Application Name=Stremio GenericName=Media Center Terminal=false Comment=Watch instantly all the video content you enjoy in one place Icon= /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/stremio.png Exec=/usr/bin/stremio Categories=AudioVideo;Video;Audio;Player; EOF mkdir -p /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/ mv stremio.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/stremio.png