# Maintainer: Icaro Perseo pkgname=gpick pkgver=0.2.5 pkgrel=1rvm source=("https://github.com/thezbyg/$pkgname/archive/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz") sourcetemplate="http://people.salixos.org/icaroperseo/14.1/xap/$pkgname" url="http://www.gpick.org/" slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler---------------------------------------------------| "gpick (An advanced color picker and palette editing tool)" "Gpick is a program used to pick colors from anywhere on the screen," "mix them to get new colors, generate shades and tints and export" "palettes to common file formats or simply copy them to the" "clipboard." ) build() { # Acceding to the working directory. cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgname-$pkgver # Building the binary file. scons install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/ }