import curses import time import six import sys import logging from contextlib import contextmanager import praw.errors import requests from kitchen.text.display import textual_width from .helpers import open_editor from .curses_helpers import (Color, show_notification, show_help, text_input, prompt_input, add_line) from .docs import COMMENT_EDIT_FILE, SUBMISSION_FILE __all__ = ['Navigator', 'BaseController', 'BasePage'] _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Navigator(object): """ Handles math behind cursor movement and screen paging. """ def __init__( self, valid_page_cb, page_index=0, cursor_index=0, inverted=False): self.page_index = page_index self.cursor_index = cursor_index self.inverted = inverted self._page_cb = valid_page_cb self._header_window = None self._content_window = None @property def step(self): return 1 if not self.inverted else -1 @property def position(self): return (self.page_index, self.cursor_index, self.inverted) @property def absolute_index(self): return self.page_index + (self.step * self.cursor_index) def move(self, direction, n_windows): "Move the cursor down (positive direction) or up (negative direction)" valid, redraw = True, False forward = ((direction * self.step) > 0) if forward: if self.page_index < 0: if self._is_valid(0): # Special case - advance the page index if less than zero self.page_index = 0 self.cursor_index = 0 redraw = True else: valid = False else: self.cursor_index += 1 if not self._is_valid(self.absolute_index): # Move would take us out of bounds self.cursor_index -= 1 valid = False elif self.cursor_index >= (n_windows - 1): # Flip the orientation and reset the cursor self.flip(self.cursor_index) self.cursor_index = 0 redraw = True else: if self.cursor_index > 0: self.cursor_index -= 1 else: self.page_index -= self.step if self._is_valid(self.absolute_index): # We have reached the beginning of the page - move the # index redraw = True else: self.page_index += self.step valid = False # Revert return valid, redraw def move_page(self, direction, n_windows): """ Move page down (positive direction) or up (negative direction). """ # top of subreddit/submission page or only one # submission/reply on the screen: act as normal move if (self.absolute_index < 0) | (n_windows == 0): valid, redraw = self.move(direction, n_windows) else: # first page if self.absolute_index < n_windows and direction < 0: self.page_index = -1 self.cursor_index = 0 self.inverted = False # not submission mode: starting index is 0 if not self._is_valid(self.absolute_index): self.page_index = 0 valid = True else: # flip to the direction of movement if ((direction > 0) & (self.inverted is True))\ | ((direction < 0) & (self.inverted is False)): self.page_index += (self.step * (n_windows-1)) self.inverted = not self.inverted self.cursor_index \ = (n_windows-(direction<0)) - self.cursor_index valid = False adj = 0 # check if reached the bottom while not valid: n_move = n_windows - adj if n_move == 0: break self.page_index += n_move * direction valid = self._is_valid(self.absolute_index) if not valid: self.page_index -= n_move * direction adj += 1 redraw = True return valid, redraw def flip(self, n_windows): "Flip the orientation of the page" self.page_index += (self.step * n_windows) self.cursor_index = n_windows self.inverted = not self.inverted def _is_valid(self, page_index): "Check if a page index will cause entries to fall outside valid range" try: self._page_cb(page_index) except IndexError: return False else: return True class SafeCaller(object): def __init__(self, window): self.window = window self.catch = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, e, exc_tb): if self.catch: if isinstance(e, praw.errors.APIException): message = ['Error: {}'.format(e.error_type), e.message] show_notification(self.window, message) _logger.exception(e) return True elif isinstance(e, praw.errors.ClientException): message = ['Error: Client Exception', e.message] show_notification(self.window, message) _logger.exception(e) return True elif isinstance(e, requests.HTTPError): show_notification(self.window, ['Unexpected Error']) _logger.exception(e) return True elif isinstance(e, requests.ConnectionError): show_notification(self.window, ['Unexpected Error']) _logger.exception(e) return True class BaseController(object): """ Event handler for triggering functions with curses keypresses. Register a keystroke to a class method using the @egister decorator. #>>> @Controller.register('a', 'A') #>>> def func(self, *args) Register a default behavior by using `None`. #>>> @Controller.register(None) #>>> def default_func(self, *args) Bind the controller to a class instance and trigger a key. Additional arguments will be passed to the function. #>>> controller = Controller(self) #>>> controller.trigger('a', *args) """ character_map = {None: (lambda *args, **kwargs: None)} def __init__(self, instance): self.instance = instance def trigger(self, char, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(char, six.string_types) and len(char) == 1: char = ord(char) func = self.character_map.get(char) if func is None: func = BaseController.character_map.get(char) if func is None: func = self.character_map.get(None) if func is None: func = BaseController.character_map.get(None) return func(self.instance, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def register(cls, *chars): def wrap(f): for char in chars: if isinstance(char, six.string_types) and len(char) == 1: cls.character_map[ord(char)] = f else: cls.character_map[char] = f return f return wrap class BasePage(object): """ Base terminal viewer incorperates a cursor to navigate content """ MIN_HEIGHT = 10 MIN_WIDTH = 20 def __init__(self, stdscr, reddit, content, **kwargs): self.stdscr = stdscr self.reddit = reddit self.content = content self.nav = Navigator(self.content.get, **kwargs) self._header_window = None self._content_window = None self._subwindows = None def refresh_content(self): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def draw_item(window, data, inverted): raise NotImplementedError @BaseController.register('q') def exit(self): sys.exit() @BaseController.register('?') def help(self): show_help(self._content_window) @BaseController.register(curses.KEY_UP, 'k') def move_cursor_up(self): self._move_cursor(-1) self.clear_input_queue() @BaseController.register(curses.KEY_DOWN, 'j') def move_cursor_down(self): self._move_cursor(1) self.clear_input_queue() @BaseController.register('n') def move_page_down(self): self._move_page(1) self.clear_input_queue() @BaseController.register('m') def move_page_up(self): self._move_page(-1) self.clear_input_queue() @BaseController.register('a') def upvote(self): data = self.content.get(self.nav.absolute_index) try: if 'likes' not in data: pass elif data['likes']: data['object'].clear_vote() data['likes'] = None else: data['object'].upvote() data['likes'] = True except praw.errors.LoginOrScopeRequired: show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Not logged in']) @BaseController.register('z') def downvote(self): data = self.content.get(self.nav.absolute_index) try: if 'likes' not in data: pass if data['likes'] is False: data['object'].clear_vote() data['likes'] = None else: data['object'].downvote() data['likes'] = False except praw.errors.LoginOrScopeRequired: show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Not logged in']) @BaseController.register('u') def login(self): """ Prompt to log into the user's account, or log out of the current account. """ if self.reddit.is_logged_in(): self.logout() return username = prompt_input(self.stdscr, 'Enter username:') password = prompt_input(self.stdscr, 'Enter password:', hide=True) if not username or not password: curses.flash() return try: with self.loader(message='Logging in'): self.reddit.login(username, password) except praw.errors.InvalidUserPass: show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Invalid user/pass']) else: show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Welcome {}'.format(username)]) @BaseController.register('d') def delete(self): """ Delete a submission or comment. """ if not self.reddit.is_logged_in(): show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Not logged in']) return data = self.content.get(self.nav.absolute_index) if data.get('author') != curses.flash() return prompt = 'Are you sure you want to delete this? (y/n):' char = prompt_input(self.stdscr, prompt) if char != 'y': show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Aborted']) return with self.safe_call as s: with self.loader(message='Deleting', delay=0): data['object'].delete() time.sleep(2.0) s.catch = False self.refresh_content() @BaseController.register('e') def edit(self): """ Edit a submission or comment. """ if not self.reddit.is_logged_in(): show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Not logged in']) return data = self.content.get(self.nav.absolute_index) if data.get('author') != curses.flash() return if data['type'] == 'Submission': subreddit = self.reddit.get_subreddit( content = data['text'] info = SUBMISSION_FILE.format(content=content, name=subreddit) elif data['type'] == 'Comment': content = data['body'] info = COMMENT_EDIT_FILE.format(content=content) else: curses.flash() return curses.endwin() text = open_editor(info) curses.doupdate() if text == content: show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Aborted']) return with self.safe_call as s: with self.loader(message='Editing', delay=0): data['object'].edit(text) time.sleep(2.0) s.catch = False self.refresh_content() def clear_input_queue(self): "Clear excessive input caused by the scroll wheel or holding down a key" self.stdscr.nodelay(1) while self.stdscr.getch() != -1: continue self.stdscr.nodelay(0) def logout(self): "Prompt to log out of the user's account." ch = prompt_input(self.stdscr, "Log out? (y/n):") if ch == 'y': self.reddit.clear_authentication() show_notification(self.stdscr, ['Logged out']) elif ch != 'n': curses.flash() @property def safe_call(self): """ Wrap praw calls with extended error handling. If a PRAW related error occurs inside of this context manager, a notification will be displayed on the screen instead of the entire application shutting down. This function will return a callback that can be used to check the status of the call. Usage: #>>> with self.safe_call as s: #>>> self.reddit.submit(...) #>>> s.catch = False #>>> on_success() """ return SafeCaller(self.stdscr) def draw(self): n_rows, n_cols = self.stdscr.getmaxyx() if n_rows < self.MIN_HEIGHT or n_cols < self.MIN_WIDTH: return # Note: 2 argument form of derwin breaks PDcurses on Windows 7! self._header_window = self.stdscr.derwin(1, n_cols, 0, 0) self._content_window = self.stdscr.derwin(n_rows - 1, n_cols, 1, 0) self.stdscr.erase() self._draw_header() self._draw_content() self._add_cursor() def _draw_header(self): n_rows, n_cols = self._header_window.getmaxyx() self._header_window.erase() attr = curses.A_REVERSE | curses.A_BOLD | Color.CYAN self._header_window.bkgd(' ', attr) sub_name ='/r/front', 'Front Page ') add_line(self._header_window, sub_name, 0, 0) if self.reddit.user is not None: username = s_col = (n_cols - textual_width(username) - 1) # Only print username if it fits in the empty space on the right if (s_col - 1) >= textual_width(sub_name): add_line(self._header_window, username, 0, s_col) self._header_window.refresh() def _draw_content(self): """ Loop through submissions and fill up the content page. """ n_rows, n_cols = self._content_window.getmaxyx() self._content_window.erase() self._subwindows = [] page_index, cursor_index, inverted = self.nav.position step = self.nav.step # If not inverted, align the first submission with the top and draw # downwards. If inverted, align the first submission with the bottom # and draw upwards. current_row = (n_rows - 1) if inverted else 0 available_rows = (n_rows - 1) if inverted else n_rows for data in self.content.iterate(page_index, step, n_cols - 2): window_rows = min(available_rows, data['n_rows']) window_cols = n_cols - data['offset'] start = current_row - window_rows if inverted else current_row subwindow = self._content_window.derwin( window_rows, window_cols, start, data['offset']) attr = self.draw_item(subwindow, data, inverted) self._subwindows.append((subwindow, attr)) available_rows -= (window_rows + 1) # Add one for the blank line current_row += step * (window_rows + 1) if available_rows <= 0: break else: # If the page is not full we need to make sure that it is NOT # inverted. Unfortunately, this currently means drawing the whole # page over again. Could not think of a better way to pre-determine # if the content will fill up the page, given that it is dependent # on the size of the terminal. if self.nav.inverted: self.nav.flip((len(self._subwindows) - 1)) self._draw_content() self._content_window.refresh() def _add_cursor(self): self._edit_cursor(curses.A_REVERSE) def _remove_cursor(self): self._edit_cursor(curses.A_NORMAL) def _move_cursor(self, direction): self._remove_cursor() valid, redraw = self.nav.move(direction, len(self._subwindows)) if not valid: curses.flash() # Note: ACS_VLINE doesn't like changing the attribute, so always redraw. self._draw_content() self._add_cursor() def _move_page(self, direction): self._remove_cursor() valid, redraw = self.nav.move_page(direction, len(self._subwindows)-1) if not valid: curses.flash() # Note: ACS_VLINE doesn't like changing the attribute, so always redraw. self._draw_content() self._add_cursor() def _edit_cursor(self, attribute=None): # Don't allow the cursor to go below page index 0 if self.nav.absolute_index < 0: return # Don't allow the cursor to go over the number of subwindows # This could happen if the window is resized and the cursor index is # pushed out of bounds if self.nav.cursor_index >= len(self._subwindows): self.nav.cursor_index = len(self._subwindows)-1 window, attr = self._subwindows[self.nav.cursor_index] if attr is not None: attribute |= attr n_rows, _ = window.getmaxyx() for row in range(n_rows): window.chgat(row, 0, 1, attribute) window.refresh()