# Menu config for pekwm # Variables INCLUDE = "vars" RootMenu = ".: Salix :." { Entry = "Terminal" { Actions = "Exec $TERM &" } Entry = "Run.." { Actions = "ShowCmdDialog" } Separator {} Submenu = "Accessories" { Entry = "Engrampa" { Actions = "Exec engrampa &" } Entry = "Galculator" { Actions = "Exec galculator &" } Entry = "GNU Privacy Assistant" { Actions = "Exec gpa &" } Entry = "Gucharmap" { Actions = "Exec gucharmap &" } Entry = "Leafpad" { Actions = "Exec leafpad &" } Entry = "PCMan File Manager" { Actions = "Exec pcmanfm &" } } Submenu = "Development" { Entry = "Geany" { Actions = "Exec geany &" } Entry = "Meld" { Actions = "Exec meld &" } } Submenu = "Graphics" { Entry = "Gimp" { Actions = "Exec gimp &" } Entry = "Simple scan" { Actions = "Exec simple-scan &" } Entry = "Viewnior" { Actions = "Exec viewnior &" } } Submenu = "Multimedia" { Entry = "Asunder" { Actions = "Exec asunder &" } Entry = "Xfburn" { Actions = "Exec dbus-launch xfburn &" } Entry = "Exaile" { Actions = "Exec exaile &" } Entry = "Whaaw Media Player" { Actions = "Exec whaawmp &" } Entry = "Install Multimedia Codecs" { Actions = "Exec gksu salix-codecs-installer &" } } Submenu = "Network" { Entry = "Firefox" { Actions = "Exec firefox &" } Entry = "Claws Mail" { Actions = "Exec claws-mail &" } Entry = "gftp" { Actions = "Exec gftp &" } Entry = "Pidgin" { Actions = "Exec pidgin &" } Entry = "Transmission" { Actions = "Exec transmission &" } } Submenu = "Office" { Entry = "LIbreOffice.org Writer" { Actions = "Exec lowriter &" } Entry = "LIbreOffice.org Calc" { Actions = "Exec localc &" } Entry = "LIbreOffice.org Impress" { Actions = "Exec loimpress &" } Entry = "LIbreOffice.org Draw" { Actions = "Exec lodraw &" } Entry = "LIbreOffice.org Math" { Actions = "Exec lomath &" } Entry = "LIbreOffice.org Base" { Actions = "Exec lobase &" } Entry = "Atril" { Actions = "Exec atril &" } } Submenu = "System" { Entry = "ALSA Sound Card" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkalsasetup &" } Entry = "Disk Manager" { Actions = "Exec gksu disk-manager &" } Entry = "Dotnew" { Actions = "Exec gksu dotnew-gtk &" } Entry = "Gigolo" { Actions = "Exec dbus-launch gigolo &" } Entry = "Gslapt Package Manager" { Actions = "Exec gksu gslapt &" } Entry = "Hostnames" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkhostsetup &" } Entry = "Keyboard Layout" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkkeyboardsetup &" } Entry = "Manage Printing" { Actions = "Exec firefox http://localhost:631 &" } Entry = "System Clock" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkclocksetup &" } Entry = "System Language" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtklocalesetup &" } Entry = "System Services" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkalsasetup &" } Entry = "Users and Groups" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkusersetup &" } } Separator {} Submenu = "Go to" { SubMenu = "Workspace" { # Create goto menu once per pekwm config reload. The fast way that # will work for most if not all users. COMMAND = "/usr/share/pekwm/scripts/pekwm_ws_menu.sh goto" # Create goto menu every time the menu is opened. The slow way. # This is what you want if you are using external tools to make # the amount of workspaces something else than what you define in # ~/.pekwm/config. You will know if you want this. # Entry = "" { Actions = "Dynamic /usr/share/pekwm/scripts/pekwm_ws_menu.sh goto dynamic" } } Entry = "Window.." { Actions = "ShowMenu GotoClient True" } } Submenu = "Pekwm" { Submenu = "Themes" { Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /usr/share/pekwm/scripts/pekwm_themeset.sh /usr/share/pekwm/themes" } Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /usr/share/pekwm/scripts/pekwm_themeset.sh ~/.pekwm/themes" } } Entry = "Reload" { Actions = "Reload" } Entry = "Restart" { Actions = "Restart" } Entry = "Exit" { Actions = "Exit" } Submenu = "Exit to" { Entry = "Xterm" { Actions = "RestartOther xterm" } Entry = "TWM" { Actions = "RestartOther twm" } } } } WindowMenu = "Window Menu" { Entry = "(Un)Stick" { Actions = "Toggle Sticky" } Entry = "(Un)Shade" { Actions = "Toggle Shaded" } Entry = "Iconify" { Actions = "Set Iconified" } Entry = "Command.." { Actions = "ShowCmdDialog" } Submenu = "Maximize" { Entry = "Toggle Full" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized True True" } Entry = "Toggle Horizontal" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized True False" } Entry = "Toggle Vertical" { Actions = "Toggle Maximized False True" } } Submenu = "Fill" { Entry = "Full" { Actions = "MaxFill True True" } Entry = "Horizontal" { Actions = "MaxFill True False" } Entry = "Vertical" { Actions = "MaxFill False True" } } Submenu = "Stacking" { Entry = "Raise" { Actions = "Raise" } Entry = "Lower" { Actions = "Lower" } Entry = "Toggle Always On Top" { Actions = "Toggle AlwaysOnTop" } Entry = "Toggle Always Below" { Actions = "Toggle AlwaysBelow" } } Submenu = "Decorations" { Entry = "Toggle Decorations" { Actions = "Toggle DecorBorder; Toggle DecorTitlebar" } Entry = "Toggle Borders" { Actions = "Toggle DecorBorder" } Entry = "Toggle Titlebar" { Actions = "Toggle DecorTitlebar" } } Submenu = "Skip" { Entry = "Toggle showing this frame in menus" { Actions = "Toggle Skip Menus" } Entry = "Toggle including this frame in focus toggle" { Actions = "Toggle Skip FocusToggle" } Entry = "Toggle if this frame snaps to other windows" { Actions = "Toggle Skip Snap" } } SubMenu = "Send To" { # Create sendto menu once per pekwm config reload. The fast way that # will work for most if not all users. COMMAND = "/usr/share/pekwm/scripts/pekwm_ws_menu.sh send" # Create sendto menu every time the menu is opened. The slow way. # This is what you want if you are using external tools to make # the amount of workspaces something else than what you define in # ~/.pekwm/config. You will know if you want this. # Entry = "" { Actions = "Dynamic /usr/share/pekwm/scripts/pekwm_ws_menu.sh send dynamic" } } Separator {} Entry = "Close" { Actions = "Close" } Submenu = "Kill" { Entry = "Kill application" { Actions = "Kill" } } }