#Packager: Panagiotis Papasotiriou pkgname=mgrx-x11 pkgver=1.5.1 pkgverstrip=$(echo $pkgver | sed -e 's/\.//g') mgrxdir=mgrx$pkgverstrip pkgrel=1pp source=( "https://www.fgrim.com/mgrx/zfiles/$mgrxdir.tar.gz" "makedefs.sed" "makedefs32.sed" "examples.txt" ) sourcetemplate=https://people.salixos.org/papasot/salix/$pkgname url="https://www.fgrim.com/mgrx" #docs=("readme") slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "MGRX (2D graphics and GUI library)" "MGRX is an easy-to-use 2D graphics library written in C. It provides" "multi-buffering, many graphics primitives, text rendering, and image" "rendering. A graphical user interface framework specifically designed" "for MGRX is included as well." "This is the X11 version of MGRX." "" "HomePage: https://www.fgrim.com/mgrx" ) build() { cd $startdir/src/mgrx151 # Change makedefs.grx: sed -n -f $startdir/makedefs.sed -i makedefs.grx if [ $(arch) = 'i686' ]; then sed -n -f $startdir/makedefs32.sed -i makedefs.grx fi # Compile: cd src make -f makefile.x11 make -f makefile.x11 install make -f makefile.x11 install-fonts make -f makefile.x11 install-bin # Add documentation: cd .. mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/doc/mgrx cp -r doc/* $startdir/pkg/usr/doc/mgrx cp -r $startdir/examples.txt $startdir/pkg/usr/doc/mgrx }