Юлита Инка (Julita Inca)yrazes@gmail.comЕкатерина Герасимова (Ekaterina Gerasimova)kittykat3756@gmail.comМайкл Хилл (Michael Hill)mdhillca@gmail.comScan your internal storage devices.Yuri Myasoedovomerta13@yandex.ru2008Василий Фароновqvvx@yandex.ru2008Алексей Кабановak099@mail.ru2012Станислав Соловейwhats_up@tut.by2012Сканирование файловой системы
To scan your computer, select the name of your computer from the list of
Devices and locations. All of the folders that you have permission
to access on your computer will be scanned. It is quite common for you to not
have permissions to scan some directories on your computer.
If the file system that you are trying to scan is large, it may take a
few minutes for the scan to complete. To cancel the scan, press the button
in the top-left corner of the screen to return to the list of devices.