Julita Inca yrazes@gmail.com Michael Hill mdhillca@gmail.com Ekaterina Gerasimova kittykat3756@gmail.com Prikaži rezultate kot obroče grafikona ali kot drevesni pregled. Različni grafikonski pogledi

By default, the scan results show each subfolder as the section of a ring, comprising an angle proportional to the size of the relevant folder. Sub-folders are shown in different colors, as additional layers around the inner ring.

Move your mouse over the rings chart displays more details about the folder and subfolders.

Chart visibility can be changed to Treemap View using the buttons at the bottom of the chart, on the right-hand side. The tree layout displays the folders as proportionately sized boxes.

You can also click on a ring or box to make that the starting point of the chart.