Julita Inca yrazes@gmail.com Michael Hill mdhillca@gmail.com Ekaterina Gerasimova kittykat3756@gmail.com Preišči krajevne mape, vključujoč vse podmape. Preišči mapo

Preiskovanje posameznih map je hitrejše od tistih, ki so v celotnem datotečnem sistemu, tako da je učinkoviteje, če želite podrobnosti zgolj o določenem delu vašega datotečnega sistema.

Press the button in the top-right of the main window and select Scan Folder….

A file chooser dialog will open. Choose the folder which you want to scan.

Click Open to start the scan.

The folder which you just scanned will now be added to your list of Devices and locations. If the folder is renamed or deleted, it will be removed from the list when you next restart Disk Usage Analyzer.