Julita Inca yrazes@gmail.com Michael Hill mdhillca@gmail.com Ekaterina Gerasimova kittykat3756@gmail.com Oddaljeno preiščite mapo preko vašega računalnika. Preišči oddaljeno mapo

Orodje za preučevanje porabe diska lahko preišče naprave shrambe, ki so dostopne na daljavo. Za preiskovanje oddaljenega celotnega datotečnega sistema ali izbrane mape:

Press the button in the top-right of the main window and select Scan Remote Folder….

Enter the URL into the Server Address field. It will normally have a protocol, followed by a colon and two slashes, that looks different depending on the protocol that you are using.

Click Connect to continue; you may be asked for more details, like a password and username, before the scan will commence.

Preiskovanje preko omrežja je lahko počasnejše kot preiskovanje krajevnega datotečnega sistema.

You can also select a recently used server instead of entering a new URL. If you enter a URL which is not valid, you will not be able to press Continue, but if the URL is valid, but incorrect, the connection will fail without warnings.