Julita Inca yrazes@gmail.com Michael Hill mdhillca@gmail.com Ekaterina Gerasimova kittykat3756@gmail.com 从您的电脑上远程扫描文件夹。 TeliuTe teliute@163.com 2009. tuhaihe 1132321739qq@gmail.com 2012 扫描远程文件夹

磁盘使用分析器 可以扫描能够远程访问的存储设备。要远程扫描整个文件系统或任何指定的文件夹:

Press the button in the top-right of the main window and select Scan Remote Folder….

Enter the URL into the Server Address field. It will normally have a protocol, followed by a colon and two slashes, that looks different depending on the protocol that you are using.

Click Connect to continue; you may be asked for more details, like a password and username, before the scan will commence.


You can also select a recently used server instead of entering a new URL. If you enter a URL which is not valid, you will not be able to press Continue, but if the URL is valid, but incorrect, the connection will fail without warnings.