Якщо Ви все ще нові в Salix, Slackware або навіть у Linux в загальному, тоді Ви повинні перш за все викроїти час на прочитання Путівник по Salix, оскільки він спеціально розроблений для нових користувачів. Посилання на стільниці, Salix Online, перенесе Вас до
Домашньої сторінки Salix. Також використайте
посилання IRC, щоб вживу поспілкуватися з членами спільноти і отримати негайну допомогу у випадку необхідності. Якщо бажаєте, Ви можете змінити типовий логін входу qwebircxxx на якийсь інший, більш персональний та простіший.
Ми сподіваємося, що розміщена тут інформація дозволить Вам отримати і запустити Salix, почати досліджувати її потенціал, і взагалі використовувати її для Ваших потреб. Тим не менш, іноді Ви можете не знати, як щось зробити або заставити працювати.
While Salix aims to be elegant and intuitive, every operating system has its own characteristics, and if you are new to Linux, the sheer fact that it is different means there will inevitably be a process of adaptation (see Linux is
Not Windows), even where its very best features are concerned. The only way to climb the learning curve is by trying things out and using them. The more you explore Salix, the quicker you will become familiar with it. However, it is worth emphasising that the default set of applications (they vary depending on the version of Salix you choose, see
Додаток A, Список програм) include many that have a very similar look and feel to those found on other operating systems, such as the office suite LibreOffice, which offers full compatibility with common file formats.
Wiki and
Forum will be two other important sources of information. The search option of the forum will quickly show you if the question you have in mind has already been posted by a member of the community and if it has been answered. For the same reason, please also search the internet. If you are working on the command line (see
Параграф 4.1, “Робота з командною стрічкою”), remember to consult man (and try man salix for a summary of key points specific to this distribution). There are several online forums devoted to Linux, such as
www.linuxquestions.org. It should be noted that each forum has its own subculture, and sometimes explicit posting guidelines. If you post a query to a forum, bear
Paul Grice's conversational maxims in mind: for instance, be as specific as possible and mention any information you have already found out. To put it another way, remember you are consulting a human community, not an interactive online encyclopedia; it is a conversation, something which can be easily lost sight of online.
Forums are a concrete example of one of the qualities at the heart of Linux, which is that it is community-based. Rather than being a commercial product, in almost all cases it is developed by enthusiasts collaborating together for the sheer delight of making good software. This community extends out into the users of the distribution on its forums. Even if you just want to use core office, multimedia or network applications productively, over time the power that Linux gives users tends to promote self-reliance and an ability to configure and fix their computer setup independently. The same approach underlies the development of Linux as an operating system ̶ where there is room for improvement, someone will dive in and tinker. The cumulative result is that Linux today is highly usable out of the box.
The best way to learn Linux is by using it to the full, finding out in the process how to make it do exactly what you want. After a while, though, it may be helpful to supplement this experience with some more systematic background. As mentioned in the section introducing the command line, the
Documentation board on the Salix forums contains a useful post on
tutorials and guides. Wherever you find problems recur, it may be worth reading up on the underlying issues over time to gain broader knowledge, especially when it comes to general features of Linux that may be unfamiliar to you, such as file permissions.
Деякі користувачі на самому початку можуть зіткнутися з проблемами з периферійними пристроями і мережею. Це може здатися складним, якщо Ви також адаптуєтеся до іншої операційної системи в той же час. Вивчіть уважно параметри в Меню/Система. Якщо у Вас виникли труднощі, використайте інформацію та допомогу у вікі і форумі.